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• Author: Stu Galley and Jim Lawrence
• Released: 1986
• Genre: Mystery
• Difficulty: Introductory

In Moonmist, you are a famous young American detective. An old friend, Tamara Lynd, has written you a letter, asking for your help. And so you have travelled to England to test your detective skills.

As the story begins, you meet some interesting guests. But your visit soon turns to mystery, as a trail of riddles and clues leads you to a hidden valuable treasure.

But Tamara is worried about a ghost that is tormenting her. What does the ghost want? Is it jealous of her? Does the ghost want the hidden treasure for itself? Or is the ghost a fake -- just someone dressing up to frighten Tamara? If so, why?

These mysteries and others are waiting to test your wits in Moonmist

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