Leather Goddesses of Phobos
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• Author: Steve Meretzky
• Released: 1986
• Genre: Comedy
• Difficulty: Standard

1936. In the United States, a new miracle fabric called nylon is becoming popular, the Great Plains continue to suffer from a severe drought that is turning the region into a Dust Bowl, Alf Landon is running for President, Victor Hess is receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics for discovering cosmic radiation, Gone With the Wind is the best-selling novel, and steak is twenty-five cents a pound. Elsewhere, black track star Jesse Owen is embarrassing Adolph Hitler by winning four gold medals at the Olympic Games in Berlin, Edward the VIII of England is abdicating the throne to marry a commoner, the Spanish Civil War is beginning to heat up, and the Leather Goddesses of Phobos are completing plans to invade the Earth and turn it into their private pleasure world.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that nothing happens in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, because on this day in 1936, you're snatched out of your favorite bar in Upper Sandusky - kidnapped by minions of the evil Leather Goddesses. You are brought back to Phobos as an experimental subject, as preparations continue to enslave every man and woman on Earth.

If you succeed in escaping the clutches of the Leather Goddesses, you will begin an odyssey the likes of which you have never even imagined (except, perhaps, in certain very enjoyable dreams). With your loyal friend and fellow Earthmate at your side, you will begin a naughty, bawdy, rowdy, rousing and very, very amusing romp across the solar system. Your mission, should you be able to catch your breath long enough to think about it, is to collect the materials you'll need to ultimately defeat the Leather Goddesses of Phobos and save humanity! Are you "up" for the job?

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